May 17, 2024

toronto roofers

Toronto roofers can help you with any issues that you might be having with your roof. There are many different reasons why people call a roofer in for repairs or replacements, but the most common reason is because the roof is not holding up well to the weather and other conditions. Even though it might seem like an easy fix, it’s often better to get a professional to look at it instead of trying to do it yourself and possibly make things worse. Here are some of the main reasons to get a roofing company to come out and take a look at what you have to offer.


Roofers in Toronto will be able to tell you what type of material your roofing material is and what kind of condition it’s in. If your roof needs to be replaced because it’s no longer strong enough to keep the cold out, they will be able to tell you how much of a cost that would add up to. If your roof has been leaking and getting water in, a Toronto roofing company will be able to tell you what kind of repairs would need to be done. For example, some leaks might be simple fixes while others might require something as major as replacing the roof itself. When you’re dealing with the cold and rain, being able to know what kind of repair is needed will save you time and money in the long run.


Some types of roofing require different levels of maintenance than others, especially if you live in a windy city like Toronto. Depending on whether you live on a wet, sleet-free or snow-free roof, there are three kinds of maintenance that you’ll need to do. You’ll either need to wax your shingles regularly or refinish them. Waxing will keep your roof looking clean and shiny while refinishing adds an extra layer of durability so you don’t have to worry about your roofing starting to leak and rotting out as you have more rain and snow.


You can wax your shingles as often as recommended by the manufacturer, or you can buy special shingle cleaner and wax mix from a hardware store. If you already have a waxed roof, it’s probably time to apply some new product, especially if your roof is insulated with felt paper. The felt paper tends to soak up oil and other chemicals, especially during humid weather. Wax, however, doesn’t rot or mildew like felt paper does and can stand up to longer exposure to the elements.


If your roof has beams or tiles that have sharp or jagged edges, they could cause a lot of damage to your roof. These items usually come with felt paper that is easily damaged if you accidentally grab a hold of one of its ends. A Toronto roofing contractor can pull these items off your roof and replace them with newer, less sharp ones. In the case of older, sharp edges, a rake edge scraper might be necessary.


If your roofing material is metal (like aluminum or copper) chances are it’s rusted or the metal could have rust patches. Metal shingles are expensive to repair, but asphalt shingles are also expensive to replace, so it may make more sense to simply repair the metal than to replace entire roofing sections. Even if the damaged section cannot be replaced, you can likely find a good used patch that will work just as well.


In some cases, you won’t need new roofing. For example, if you have hot water leaking in your attic but don’t see any obvious damage, it may just be caused by a cracked pipe. This type of problem doesn’t require any replacement shingles. However, you can still hire a reputable Toronto roofing company to inspect your attic and see if it needs to be replaced. If you have insulation problems or believe it may have been compromised somehow, you can schedule a free inspection as well.


Whether you need a new roof or a simple repair, hiring a professional Toronto roofing company to do the work for you can be very cost effective. These repair companies offer quality service and installation at an affordable price. After an inspection, the company will often give you an estimate for the cost of the repair, while sometimes they will offer to do it all for free. If you’re not sure whether it would be a better idea to have a professional do the job, you can always take care of the task yourself and call on a trusted roof replacement company down the road when you are ready for another checkup.